Start Drinking Coffee

"Them critics better stop drinking coffee." --Miles Davis

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Rob Has Needs, Too

For instance:

Rob needs a job.

Rob needs a hero.

Rob needs your support and donations.

Rob needs Net Clued Lawyer, urgently.

[H]andsome [R]ob needs a home.

Rob needs credit for steeping up and fighting the biggest guy on the show!

Rob needs physically restraining to keep him off Vikki.

Rob needs to have a party in his honor!


Rob... needs a haircut.

Rob needs help badly!

Rob needs a refresher as to the meaning of purjury.

Rob needs to move his legs and he prefers to do such with a lady dance partner in his arms.

Apparently Rob does not want or need the help he asked for repeatedly in letters I have and I have other things I need to do so that is fine with me.

(Stolen from Susan.)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I Love to Singa!

I love to sing-a
About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a....

Well, now it's official: You Tube is the greatest thing ever.

(For more information on Owl Jolson, consult your local library--or the Owl Jolson fan site!)

One Talking Point Too Many

I normally avoid the cable talking head "news" shows, but I did catch part of Scarborough Country last night, and got a nice chuckle out of Brent Bozell going to the talking point well one too many times for one sentence.

Scarborough and Bozell kept saying that "80%" of Americans do not want increased immigration, while the Senate's immigration bill would increase immigration. (I think they are being funny with the poll numbers, but that's another point.) Anyway, I loved Bozell's summation of the "problem":

Now, if this country wants a disaster, well, that‘s democracy. But you don‘t have democracy when 80 percent of America wants one thing and the Senate and the White House are going in another direction, and the media aren‘t telling the public what the facts are.

In other words: The uninformed people have spoken!